Suppon - Chinese (Japanese) soft-shelled turtle - Trionyx sinensis sinensis and Trionyx sinensis tuberculatus photos
ORDER: Testudines, SUBORDER: Cryptodira,
SUPERFAMILY: Trionychoidea, FAMILY: Trionychidae,
SUBFAMILY: Trionychinae, GENUS: Trionyx
DISTRIBUTIONChina, Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria,
North Vietnam, Japan. Also, after being introduced to new environments, can be found in
Singapore, Thailand, Batan Islands and California.
SIZEcarapace length up to 14 inches
IDENTIFICATIONusually olive with dark vermiculations,
underside white, yellowish to pinkish with dark or black spots very strong in young specimens.
The head usually with fine black lines from the eyes and black and yellow spots on the throat, which
in some turtles mght be absent. Legs well webbed. Snout long.
The Trionyx sinensis tuberculatus has linearly aligned tubercles on its carapace and a coarse
area on above the neck.
IN CAPTIVITYLikes to hide in sand or gravel but a good swimmer when chasinga fish.
Needs clear and warm water and an area for basking - even adult turtles like to climb a rock or a log
and catch some sun. This turtle is widely used for food in the orient. In captivity will eat live
gold fish, lean beef, chicken, snails, crickets etc. and commercially sold turtle food.
BEHAVIORTryes to bite and aggressive, so considering its
very long neck should be handled with care. As almost any soft - shelled turtles, the T.sinensis likes
burrying itself in sand at the bottom of the tank, but also likes to leave water and bask.
Can be found in lakes, rivers, ponds, canals and creeks.
the eggs are laid in June and number 17 to 28 per clutch - two to four times a year.
The hatchlings reach maturity at about 6 years.