The alligator snapping turtle is a full species with no subspecies - unlike the common snapping turtles.
They are members of the New World turtle family.
According to Mlynarski's classification, there are only two full groups classified as snapping turtles:
- common snapping turtles - Chelydra serpentina, with four recognized subspecies
- alligator snapping turtle - Macroclemys Temmincki, with no subspecies
The latin name 'Macroclemys' is sited in some literature as 'Macrochelys'. I am not sure yet why is that, but here in North America
the name used to classify the alligator snapper is Macroclemys temmincki.
The full classification by Mlynarski (1969):
Order: Testudines
Suborder : Cryptodira
- Superfamily: Chelydroidea
- Families:
( 1 )Chelydridae
- Chelydra serpentina serpentina - the Common Snapping Turtle (Linneaeus 1758)
- Chelydra serpentina osceola - the Florida Snapping Turtle (Stejneger 1818)
- Chelydra serpentina rossignoni - the Mexican Snapping Turtle (Bocourt 1868)
- Chelydra serpentina acutirostris - the South-American
(Equadorian) Snapping Turtle (Peters 1862)
( 2 )Macroclemys
- Macroclemys temmincki - the Alligator Snapping Turtle (Troost 1835)