There are also a number of commercially available turtle traps and you can even order them from the internet, but it is not difficult to make one
yourself. The main thing when setting up your trap is to remember not to completely submerge it. Part of the trap should be above the water level, so the
turtle can easily reach the surface for after entering the trap.
In a nutshell, a trap would be a crate made from steel wire with callapsable door on the side, equipped with a couple of floaters to keep the top
of the trap a foot above the water. Put the bait (some meat or fish) inside, even better hanging fro the top, and the snapper should eventually
enter the trap after leaving it out overnight. If this does not happen right away leave the trap for a few days, checking it periodically and replacing
the bait with something fresh.
Also, never use hooks to catch the turtles ! They swallow the bait whole with the hook and you will probably not be able to remove it.
Leaving the turtle alone like that might result in its slow death.
Thanks for asking!