The main cause of growing salmonella is dirty enclosure. True, some reptiles carry salmonella and people can get infected, but a person has to
understand that those purchased sick reptiles, turtles, were kept probably unsanitary conditions prior to the purchase. Aquatic turtles live, sleep, eat
and defecate in water. Imagine what would happen if we were let to live in our bathtup for a couple days. Without filtration it would become
filthy in no time. The same goes with your snappers and any water turtles. Kepping them in clean environment prevents development of salonella and
other bacteria, potentially hazardous to us.
Turtles are not filthy animals by nature. They totally depend on us in captivity and in many cases
we are to blame for getting sick. Also, we have to reember that turtles and people are different 'animals', and what can be harmful to us
might have no affect on them. If you get a healthy turtle and keep it in sanitary conditions the chances of getting sick from
having it are basically none. And remember to take prventive measures - wash your hands before and after hndling your turtle, and no matter
how uch you love it, don't kiss it !
To read more about snapping turtle health please click here
Thanks for asking!