The general rule of thimb is to leave the wild turtles, and any reptiles or other animals, in the wild. There are exceptions though to this rule.
People find sometimes injured snappers on the road - a result of an accident. These turtles of course need
help and eventually end up as pets.
Also, during the turtle breeding season people find hatchlings in their backyards and end up rescuing them. It is ok in my opinion to keep one as a pet -
as long as it agrees with local laws. Before deciding to keep a turtle like snapper, a person should do a through resaerch about the proper way of
keeping it in captivity. Snapping turtles grow to very large sizes and are a serious commitment.
The best way to get a snapping turtle as pet is always getting it from a breeder.
There are a number of breeders who have websites and
searching Google for keyword 'turtle sale' or 'turtle breeder' for example
will most certain find a few.
Thanks for asking!