ate shed defecate special sick other link I   - changes
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- December 2003
- Dec. 22/2002 - arrives to his new home at my place, length: 24 inches ( 60 cm ), weight: about 8 oz. ( 225 grams), captive bread, perhabs about 4 months old
- Dec. 26/2002 - ate his first meal here - 2 medium size mice, no problem with feeding
- Dec. 30/2002 - I have noticed cloudy eys - first sign of skin shedding on the way
- January 2003
- Jan. 01/2003 - shed for the first time
- Jan. 02/2003 - ate 2 mice
- Jan. 05/2003 - yay!!! his first poo
- Jan. 06/2003 - seems like I have an incredibly friendly and curious snake! when let outside it
often keeps its front body part up right looking around, observing and seems like he is just taking it all in, all the new wonders that appear in front of him.
I guess he must be an artist at heart, like me, and that's probably why we can get along so well. ;)
He has also figured out what a good place to hide are the sleeves of my shirt or sweater, but they must seem warm and safe to him, so I just let him be.
- Jan. 07/2003 - just after midnight, second poo, also urinated - wow! did not know such a small snake can produce such a volume! lol
- Jan. 09/2003 - thirt meal - 2 medium size mice, one was a bit bigger, mineral/vitamin supplement,
ate one on the carpet and the second about 10 minutes later in the tank, no problem with feeding
- Jan. 10/2003 - it's been 24 hours since eating and he is still resting, it was a big meal!!!
  Jan. 15/2003 - today, Tursday, is his regular feeding day; his body is slimer after one week but he still
seems less active and likes to sleep, so I decided to shift his feeding day and from now on I will make it on Saturdays, that is a day after tomorrow
- Jan. 16/2003 - third poo
- Jan. 18/2003 - ate 2 mice - very quick, seemed hungry
- Jan. 22/2003 - left him overnight to wander freely in the room, found him coiled in one of the boxes behind my computer desk
- Jan. 23/2003 - I am not sure because I haven't detected it soon, but this would probably be the date of his next poo
  Jan. 25/2003 - ate 1 mice; I bought three mice thinking he will eat that much - but it turned out otherwise; I prekilled one
but he showed no interest in it at all, then ate one live mouse and ignored the other one; it seemed like the prekilled mice 'killed' his feeding instinct; I've tried to feed him the live mouse later but despite the usual 'getting ready' behavior there was no strike;
I recycled the prekilled mouse - one of my snappers ate it (after quite a bit of crunching and chewing - I could hear the skulls and bones crush !!!); the other live mouse escaped 2 times and
after hunting it down the last time I had no choice but to kill it, and I left it in the snakes tank overnight - let's see what happens... gave up and removed an hour later - another of
my snappers got a snack...
- Jan. 30/2003 - fresh poo inside the hiding box
- February 2003
- Feb. 02/2003 - ate 1 mouse, interested about the second one but undecided, eventually gave up all together (another mouse snack for my snapper - seem to start to like them... )
- Feb. 03/2002 - I have noticed right eye kind of deflated, increased humidity, back to normal later; drinking water is always there and humidity at right levels, wonder why it happened
- Feb. 04/2003 - small poo, soft
  Feb. 8/2003 - ate 2 mice - largest to date, quite quick
- Feb. 11/2003 - eyes and the skin really cloudy - ready to shed
- Feb. 12/2003 - eyes and the skin still really cloudy
- Feb. 13/2003 - eyes less cloudy and skin became sort of shiny, perhabs will shed soon
- Feb. 14/2003 - shed the second time
- Feb. 15/2003 - ate 1 mouse - the other one escaped from my bag and I can't find it !!!
- Feb. 21/2003 - poo and pee
- Feb. 22/2003 - ate 2 mice - killed the third one but hasn't eaten, I left it in the cage for a while but removed after 4 hours (showed no interest in
it) - another snack for my largest snapper
- March 2003
- March 01/2003 - ate 2 mice
- March 04/2003 - poo
- March 07/2003 - skin and eyes coloudy, refused to eat because of shedding
- March 13/2003 - shed, somehow partially only - soaked the snake in water for 15 minutes and then the rest of the sking came off nicely while handling it
- March 14/2003 - poo
- March 15/2003 - ate 2 mice - very hungry after not eating last week because of shedding, took the mice instantly
- March 23/2003 - ate 2 mice
- March 24/2003 - poo
- March 30/2003 - ate 2 mice
- April 2003
- April 02/2003 - poo
- April 06/2003 - ate 2 mice
- April 13/2003 - skin and eyes coloudy, will shed soon, usually does not eat before or during shedding so I did not offer him a meal today. He is growing
steady though, got heavy, the head is much bigger, length overall about 2.5 feet - I wonder how will it feel to handle him at 5 feet. Must be fun! Can't wait to have a 'real' snake!
- April 14/2003 - poo
- April 14/2003 - shed, nice one piece
- April 15/2003 - Tuesday, ate 2 mice, 2 days late because of shedding during his regular feeding days; these 2 mice were the largest up to date - two fully grown largest mice out there!
- April 21/2003 - poo
- April 22/2003 - Tuesday, ate 2 mice, 2 days late because of shedding during his regular feeding days; these 2 mice were the largest up to date - two fully grown largest mice out there!
- April 23/2003 - poo
- April 28/2003 - ate 2 mice
- April 28/2003 - moved to a new place, set up the tank - put some more barch to increase humidity, undertank heater and overhead 75 Watts. It's cool in the room so the temperatures don't rise as quick, but he seems to be getting comfy and working on those two mice he ate today. I think the switch to rats is soon, but still, they have small once today and what if they don't have them tomorrow ? I think it is safer to wait till he can eat larger rats and then give it a try. If he refuses mice when rats not available then at least I will have alternative to give him one large or two smaller. I've heard of people who gave them hamsters and they never wanted to eat anything else ! I suppose hamsters are yummy, but I don't have a deep enough pocket for them... at least not yet !
- April 29/2003 - poo
- May 2003
- May 03/2003 - ate 2 mice
- May 05/2003 - poo
- May 06/2003 - one more poo
- May 10/2003 - ate 2 mice
- May 18/2003 - shed, nice one piece
- May 20/2003 - ate 3 mice - for the first time three mice
- May 22/2003 - poo, very large
- May 25/2003 - poo
- May 26/2003 - ate 3 mice
- May 30/2003 - poo
- June 01/2003 - ate 3 mice
- June 04/2003 - poo
- June 05/2003 - another poo
- June 07/2003 - ate 1 rat! - medium size rat, his first rat! everything went smooth
- June 12/2003 - poo - don't know if exactly on this day but approximately; since eating 3 mice and now a rats the frequency which was dead on time has changed
- June 14/2003 - ate 1 rat - medium size rat, but larger than the previous one, everything went smooth and quicker than before; took a lot of pictures
- June 25/2003 - shed, two pieces, quite nicely
- June 26/2003 - poo, huge - after that one rat
- June 29/2003 - offered him a rat but he showed no interest, maybe next week. He is nice and plump though.
- July 05/2003 - offered him a rat but again he showed no interest, still looking healthy as always
- July 11/2003 - tomorrow is feeding time, I might buy an extra mouse to give the rat a mouse scent
- July 13/2003 - ate 1 rat - after 1 month fasting